Climate Studies: Adaptation, Regional Climate Modeling, Downscaling

Regional Climate Modeling
  • Regional climate models are used to predict and analyze future climate conditions. They help provide best possible information to people who develop climate change adaptation strategies. 
  • General circulation models (GCM) express in numbers the changes in climate at a global scale.
  • Funded by: Environment Canada

Canadian Climate Change Scenario Network
  • The Canadian Climate Change Scenario Network (CCCSN) is a system for sharing climate change scenarios and adaptation research to people who require scenario information for decision-making in climate-related fields, such as academic researchers and stakeholders outside of academia. 
  • CCCSN is an initiative started in 2005 between Environment Canada and IEESC (formerly known as the Centre for Studies in Energy and Environment) to support climate change research in Canada.
  • Now run by Environment Canada, CCCSN continues to support climate change impact and adaptation research in Canada and around the world through the provision of Global Climate Modeling scenarios, Regional Climate Modeling scenarios and downscaling tools.
  • Funded by: Environment Canada, Ontario Ministry of Environment
  • For more information, visit CCCSN: 
Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Study
  • To support climate change impact and adaptation research, IEESC developed rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. These tools improve our understanding of future climatic conditions, and provide technical, methodological and data support for design, planning and management of stormwater infrastructure.
  • The rainfall IDF curves were developed for 12 areas in Ontario, based on the PRECIS GCM modeling results for the region. 
  • Funded by: Ontario Ministry of Environment
Downscaling Methodologies
  • Downscaling is a method used to obtain local scale weather information from regional climate models, to inform climate change decision making.
  • IEESC’s downscaling methods have been successfully applied to climate modeling studies in the Province of Ontario. Our work provided high resolution inputs for climate impact and adaptation studies, and formed a scientific basis for decision making of regional and/or local responses to climate change impacts.
  • Funded by: Environment Canada and Ontario Ministry of Environment
Climate Projections for Impact Assessment

IEESC's high-resolution climate projections provide a scientific basis for understanding possible outcomes of Canada's future climate under different scenarios.

IEESC created a GIS-based user-friendly data portal that integrates high-resolution climate projections to provide students, academics, scientists, policy and decision makers, and the public with the most current climate data available.

For more information visit: Ontario Climate Change Data Portal: